My novel is going to be published!

It’s been a little while now since I knew The Apothecary’s Daughter had found a publisher but this is my first web post on my brand new site and I’m still bubbling with excitement! 

I never thought it would happen but that never stopped me. My writing has always been for pleasure but actually having a novel considered good enough for publication is a vindication for all those hours spent tapping away at the lap top.

I had a breakthrough last year when my short story Violets and Vivaldi was chosen by the Romantic Novelists’ Association for inclusion in their Anniversary Anthology.

This spring Annette Green, now my agent, read the first chapters of The Apothecary’s Daughter on the YouWriteOn website.  Before I knew it, I had signed a two book deal with Piatkus, part of the Little, Brown Book Group.

I know there are many of you out there working hard on your novels and wondering if it’s really worth the bother but my best advice to you is ‘don’t ever give up!’

2 thoughts on “My novel is going to be published!”

  1. Thanks for the encouragement, and also the great post on YouWriteOn. Sometimes it gets terribly discouraging to be constantly rejected, but something in me won’t let me give up.
    Congratulations on your success!

    • Don’t give up! Writing a novel sounds glamorous but it’s also very hard work. I’m struggling against a deadline at the moment but I know how pleased I’ll be when I’ve achieved what I set out to do. Keep going!

      Best wishes, Charlotte


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