The Apothecary’s Daughter is published today.
It’s hard to take in that I’ve achieved my long held ambition of being a published author. But isn’t it strange how the goals keep moving forward, always slightly out of reach?
At first my aim was simply to finish writing a novel, then to write a better one and then a better one after that. My eighth novel I posted on the YouWriteOn website and my ambition was to rise up the rankings and hope to be noticed by an agent.
Annette Green did notice my work, asked to read the novel and agreed to represent me. Hooray! She sent the novel out and I was in seventh heaven when Piatkus offered me a two book contract.
Now I hope to achieve respectable sales so that I’ll be offered future contracts but the big goal is to see The Apothecary’s Daughter on Richard and Judy or the Channel Four Book Club.
Well, I can dream, can’t I?