Hot off the press! I’ve just received this image of the cover for The Painter’s Apprentice, which will be released by Piatkus in August 2012. Isn’t it gorgeous?
The Painter’s Apprentice is the sequel to The Apothecary’s Daughter so the covers, beautifully designed by Sian Wilson, work as a matched pair. I’m looking forward to seeing them on my bookshelf.
I’m awaiting proofs of The Painter’s Apprentice and once I have checked them, then the manuscript will be out of my hands until it reappears as a lovely hardback book in August and then as the paperback the following February.
Sometimes it felt as if I’d never finish the story of The Painter’s Apprentice and then, before I knew it, it was much too long and had to be cut back! The novel took me into a period of history about which I knew little and it’s been a fascinating journey.